Biometric school attendance system with SMS alert automates the attendance system by checking attendance using rfid cards or fingerprint and informs parents when student enters and leaves school premises. When the student swipe the card on the rfid reader or place the fingerprint, the system recognizes the student. The system then marks attendance and also sends an SMS notification to the parents of the students. This way, the parents are automatically alerted when the student enters or exits the school premises.
Schools children safety
Children safety is extremely vital nowadays and parents would wish to get every details about their children whereabout. Parents would be very happy to get SMS alerts from the school regarding their children’s attendance. Traditional SMS delivery methods are time-consuming. It takes many hours to collect data and update parents about their child’s attendance. We have a new solution for this that automates attendance.
Biometric Student Attendance Management System
Our biometric time and attendance machines are used to capture school attendance of the children. This can be done using the RFID cards and a fingerprint of the child. This information is transmitted to the server automatically and from where the SMS is pushed to the parent mobile. The complete attendance is collected and sent to parent mobile. School gets an option to send customized SMS with the name of the child to prevent the confusion in case of multiple children of a parent. This complete process of sending Attendance SMS is automatic.
School Attendance Management Solutions with SMS Alert
You can reach us on 0113670045 / 0700018344 to get the School Attendance Management Solutions with SMS Alert solution implemented in your school.