CCTV display black and white images after a power outage

CCTV display black and white images after a power outage. When CCTV cameras display black-and-white images after a power outage and subsequent restoration, it’s typically due to the cameras switching to night mode or infrared (IR) mode.

Here are a few reasons why this happens:

1. Infrared Mode Activation

  • Many CCTV cameras automatically switch to infrared (IR) mode when they detect low light conditions, which often occurs after a power outage as the camera’s light sensor might get confused by the sudden change in lighting. In IR mode, cameras capture images in black and white since infrared light does not produce color images.

2. Insufficient Lighting

  • If the lighting in the area is not immediately restored when the power comes back on, the cameras may remain in night mode, continuing to show black-and-white images until they detect adequate lighting.

3. Slow Light Sensor Reset

  • The camera’s light sensor may take some time to readjust to the normal lighting conditions after power is restored. During this period, the camera might continue to display in black and white.

4. Faulty or Slow-Responding Light Sensor

  • If the light sensor in the camera is faulty or slow to respond, it might incorrectly interpret the lighting conditions as insufficient, keeping the camera in night mode.

5. Power Supply Issues

  • In some cases, the power supply might not be stable immediately after restoration, leading to the camera’s electronic components not functioning optimally, which can result in the camera staying in black-and-white mode.


  • Check Lighting: Ensure that the lighting in the camera’s area is fully restored and sufficient.
  • Manual Reset: Manually switch the camera from night mode to day mode if it doesn’t do so automatically.
  • Reboot the Camera: Power cycling the camera (turning it off and on) can sometimes help it reset and detect the correct lighting conditions.
  • Check Camera Settings: Look into the camera’s settings to ensure that the transition between day and night modes is functioning correctly.
  • Consult a Technician: If the issue persists, it may be necessary to have a technician inspect the camera and its light sensor for any faults.