Importance of CCTV Cameras in an apartment

Importance of CCTV Cameras in an apartment

Importance of CCTV cameras in an apartment. A gated community or an apartment attracts a large number of visitors, making it difficult to keep track of everyone’s actions. CCTV cameras can film the suspicious visitor in real-time, providing strong proof to the security personnel. The below CCTV recording shows a side mirror thief in an apartment along waiyaki way, Naironi Kenya.

Monitoring Children. With the rise of crimes such as child kidnapping, parents’ concerns about their children’s safety have grown. They are usually hesitant to send kids out alone to play or walk. However, having security cameras installed in an apartment provides them peace of mind.

Locating pet animals. Unlike humans, dogs or other pet animals love to roam free. But just like children, people worry about their pets too. In this case, cameras can help the animals roam and play freely behind the boundary wall.