Biometric Tracking of Attendance To Reduce Absenteeism In Kenya

Biometric Tracking of Attendance To Reduce Absenteeism In Kenya

Biometric Tracking of Attendance To Reduce Absenteeism In Kenya. Absenteeism among employees and students is a serious impediment to providing effective services around the world, particularly in Kenya. Absenteeism undermines trust in public and private sector. Biometric time and attendance systems have become popular in the business world today when it comes to tracking employees, students and their attendance.

How Biometric Systems Work

Biometric time attendance systems use the fingerprints of employees and student to verify who is actually clocking in and clocking out each day. The system scans the finger of the employee, coordinates are determined and then the system maps the endpoints and intersections of the fingerprint.

These are then referenced against what is in the system . If an employee or a student has not been entered into the system, he or she will not be able to use the biometric system to clock in and out.

Biometric Systems are Safe

A biometric is completely safe and secure. It can only be used, and data accessed, by the company or the school that uses the system. These systems can typically only be used for tracking time and attendance and providing access to employees to certain areas of the building.

Fingerprints are Deleted from the System

To make a biometric system even more secure, the system deletes fingerprints from the system. When a new employee is entered into the system, the software scans the fingerprint to create a group of coordinates. The fingerprint itself is then deleted to protect the security and identity of the employee. The next time the employee uses the touchscreen on the biometric system to clock in or out, the coordinates on file are matched with the fingerprint on the screen to verify the employee’s identity.

Restrict Employee and Non-employee Access

Another major benefit of using time & attendance systems is that they restrict employee and non-employee access to certain areas of your organization. For example, if a group of employees are not supposed to access a certain area of your building, their fingerprints will be flagged in the system so they cannot enter.

This makes the building more secure from intruders or visitors who simply want to wander around the campus. They will not be able to access the restricted areas even if they attempt to use their fingerprint to gain access. Management will be able to assign and revoke access to individual employees using the software, much like using a keycard or keyfob.

Biometric System Benefits

These benefits include the following:

  • Easy to use
  • Fast way to clock in
  • Stronger security measure
  • Prevents theft of time
  • Accurate detail recording
  • User friendly for all employees and students
  • Saves time when clocking time
  • Saves money by accurately tracking time

When it comes to tracking paid time off, biometric systems are perfect for the job. Biometric time and attendance systems are easy to use, easy to install, user friendly and help companies save money. They do not pose a security threat to employees’ personal data, while ensuring there is no abuse of company time.