Face recognition time attendance system

Face recognition time attendance system. We use our face recognition attendance system to record employee’s attendance automatically. This biometric attendance machine uses advanced technology to take a picture of the employee and the clock-in time and forward the details to HR, Managers, supervisors or business owner’s mobile phone on a real-time basis. The boss at the HQ or HR can interact with the employees on the mobile platform, sharing pictures, videos, etc.


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You can also use this face recognition time clock terminal as a door access control to open your office door. You are able to receive stranger’s failed attempts to open your door on your mobile phone using a mobile based face recognition app for attendance, which has no renewal fee. This can be used as an anti-theft tool because the system will take a picture of the stranger attempting to verify their face at the door and forward it to your phone immediately.

We assist you with the device, a facial recognition time clock mobile application with no monthly fee and a computer software to manage employees shifts and overtime. This facial recognition system is also suitable to schools. Parents and teachers can receive instant alerts with a picture of the student when they clock in and clock out in the evening.

To get this wonderful solution, you can reach us through support@boardtac.co.ke